Thursday, January 4, 2007

“ He thought he was a bird and could fly. And he’d just qualified to be an air traffic controller ”

Does it get lonely in the cab?

Not really. It’s quite appealing as it goes. It’s good up there. You’re your own boss – you’ve got your music, and if you want to read you can. It gets you away from everyone down below for a while.

What keeps you company?

The radio is my partner in crime for the day.

Do you always win the best prizes on the arm which picks up the toys at fairs?

No, not at all. There’s no truth in that.

What qualities make you a good crane man?

I think I’ve got the patience for the job. I just go with the flow – I don’t lose my head and I’m very laid back.

What’s the most number of steps you’ve had to climb up to get into your cab?

Well the highest I’ve been would’ve been 450ft. I don’t really count the ladders.

And you’re not scared of heights?

Not at all. But, saying that, sometimes I might go to the funfair and people think I want to be tossed and turned all round the place. But my job doesn’t mean that I want to do that. I will though.

Has anyone ever fallen off the steps?

There’s people who’ve been hurt, and injured. You’ve got handrails beside you and there are guards at the top of your tower. But if you did slip you’d have a bit of a fall.

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